Manual boost controller & bleed valve

A manual bleed valve is very easy to install. It simply works by having a small ball with a spring inside the valve which can be loosened and tightened depending on how much charge pressure you want to drive with. Just screw on the top of the valve.

However, a manual bleed valve can be a bit dangerous in the cabin as you can very quickly turn it on if you can not keep up with the car you might be driving towards.

Below you will find the manual boost controller. These types of boost controller can be placed in the engine compartment or in the cabin so you can adjust them while driving.

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Vacuum & charge printing tee

Piece of vacuum.
From 10,00 (DKK) incl tax

Boost Tee Manual Boost Controller (Black)

725,00 (DKK) incl tax

Dual stage boost controller - Manual

Electronic boost control with 2 steps.
750,00 (DKK) incl tax 562,50 (DKK) incl tax

Turbosmart - bleed valve

Manual boost controller / bleed valve that can be mounted in the cabin or engine compartment.
From 725,00 (DKK) incl tax


Boost controller that can be controlled from the driver's seat
928,75 (DKK) incl tax

Dual Stage Boost Controller V2 - Black

TurboSmart manual Boost controller, easy to install
1.995,00 (DKK) incl tax 1.745,00 (DKK) incl tax